We can choose to grow through struggle, pain, temptation, tribulations; or alternatively, we can choose to grow with an abundance of joy, love, peace, tranquillity, serenity, wisdom, clarity, insight…Now which would you choose? For nearly this entire lifetime I myself have chosen the Path of Struggle outlined in the Biblical Scriptures Romans 3:3-5: "For we rejoice in suffering, for suffering brings character, character hope, and hope does not disappoint, for love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost." (paraphrase my own, from memory). I now choose to grow through the alternative Path: joy, love, abundance, wisdom, insight, clarity, serenity, tranquillity….Why? because I see no point in struggle, suffering, and pain as a means to enlightenment, when I can more easily and successfully reach the same progressive levels of spiritual evolution with joy and love abundant!

WHAT WE FOCUS ON TRULY EXPANDS..as we focus on joy, love, abundance, why then joy, love, abundance, blossom fully into manifestation in our lives! But if we focus on unforgiveness, negativity, bitterness, resentment, anger (all internal emotions) or on hatred, suffering, pain, war, torture, death (external aspects) then those expand, for WE DO INDEED EXPAND THEM.

When we focus on crime, we expand the nature and intensity of crime in our reality. When we focus on pain, suffering, and illness (treating constantly of the **pain** we are in, or how **ill** we are, or how much we suffer from the stresses of our lives and loved ones) well surely we do find ourselves with an abundance of those very aspects…because WE HAVE EXPANDED THEM.

As a child, I was subjected to all types of abuse. I was raised (if that even be the proper term) in the household of the mentally disordered, by individuals who claimed family kinship. When I focus on these negative aspects of my upbringing (and indeed for very nearly an entire long lifetime I have done EXACTLY that) what I EXPAND into my reality is: unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, resentment, anger, RAGE….and that is what I EXPAND outward to the Universe and what in turn boomerangs back to me….

But as I have learned (oh so very recently) to EXPAND on joy, love, abundance, tranquillity, wisdom, insight…and all the glorious aspects of Spiritual Evolution and Progress into All-That-Is…what EXPANDS into my life, what I send out to the Universe and what in turn the Universe returns to me, is: joy, love, abundance, tranquillity, wisdom, insight...or as the Christian hymn so wisely phrases it: **joy unspeakable and full of glory.*

Consciousness Creating Reality: A Sethian Perspective

Love Is the Creative Force

The Power of Belief

The Essence of Love

Suffering and Death is Always By Choice